Our Patient 1: On Day 1, RAF based score of this patient was 0.9 – Based on demographics for a 70-year-old Male ( age, sex, community vs. SNF, Medicare/Medicaid eligibility).

Diagnoses per chart documentation MRA Codes RAF
Base N/A RAF 0.9
    Total RAF = 0.9

Based on an average per patient-per month payout of $1,000, baseline annual payout with comorbidity conditions:

0.9 x $1,000 x 12 mos. = $10, 800 per year

Our Patient 1: After initial review, MTC Health made following assessment: RAF base score 0.9, with more specific documentation of conditions and treatments.

Diagnoses per chart documentationMRA Codes             RAF
Base N/A RAF 0.9
Alcohol Abuse F10.10  
CAD with Angina I25.119               0.138
BMI 38.59 (STARS) None  
HTN I10  
Polyneuropathy G62.9  
Major  Depression, single episode F32.9  
Smoker F17.200  
Unspecified Atherosclerosis I70.9  
    Total RAF = 1.038

Based on an average per patient-per month payout of $1,000, baseline annual payout with comorbidity conditions:

1.038 x $1,000 x 12 mos. = $12, 456

Our Patient 1: After thorough assessment and document review, MTC Health transformed RAF based score 0.9 with the help of even more specific documentation of conditions and treatments.

Diagnoses per chart documentation MRA Codes RAF
Base N/A              RAF 0.9
Alcohol Dependence, Uncomplicated F10.20 RAF 0.356
Alcoholic Liver Disease K70.9 RAF 0.377
CAD  with Angina I25.119         RAF 0.138
Pulmonary Hypertension I27.20 RAF 0.327
Alcoholic Polyneuropathy G62.1 RAF 0.465
Morbid Obesity (BMI 38.59 + CAD) E66.01 RAF 0.262
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 N18.3  RAF 0.035
Major  Depression, single, episode, mild F33.0 RAF 0.352
           Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (due to CKD Stage 3) N25.81          RAF 0.211
Smoker’s Cough J41.0   RAF 0.332
                Atherosclerosis of Aorta I70.0   RAF 0.293
    Total RAF = 4.048

Based on an average per patient-per month payout of $1,000, baseline annual payout with comorbidity conditions:

4.048 x $1,000 x 12 mos. = $48,576

(Source: American Academy of Family Physicians)

The above example illustrates the significance of accurately coding and documenting MRA Codes. For this patient, MTC Health assessed reimbursements for this patient and the same increased by $48,576 per year.